Monday, December 19, 2011

Counting down the days........

grateful for relaxing days, and Charlie Brown Christmas :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Grateful for the delicious taste of Gingerbread Chai Tea Latte :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

So today I caught myself with the insipid attitude of envy that had been lurking around for a while undetected.  The simplest form of wanting what you don't have, like nice clothes, looking pretty, and other material things like that.  And I then remembered that I needed to blog, and realized that I needed to practice the attitude of gratefulness, appreciate what I have.  So I popped in my favorite movie, did some assemblage of clothes that I did have and could wear, to appreciate what I've been blessed with, and remembered with humility others in the world who live in poverty and face bigger issues than wanting nice clothes.

Thank you God for my family and friends, and the community in which I live.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today I am grateful  :)

Last final for the semester!    Few hours to go!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Today:   I am grateful for the inspirational leaders that collaborated with other great minds to develop products we use every day, like the computer:
Thank you Robert Noyce.

I also have to add this article, in honor of the hard work that the mayor of RIKUZENTAKATA, Japan, Mr. Toba, has put into rebuilding his city.

Friday, December 9, 2011

today...I echo this sentiment:*-czyEwll*4bpCdAEEwk*4bpCdAEEwk

There's no place like home.  I am grateful for the trip home coming soon.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I'm a slacker, I know...falling behind on my posts.  But it's all good, finals are almost over, so soon life will be simpler.

Today, I definitely have to say that I am grateful for the blessing of employment for myself and my friends, and the continued provision in every day needs that astounds me.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Grateful for the brisk, cold wind grazing my cheek this morning, and for the snuggly warmth of big sweaters :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

12-2, 12-3, 12-4:  I am grateful for three days of productive studying, one final down and two more to go!  Plus two term papers.  But, I am grateful that it will be over soon...I'll keep on plugging away.  :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Don't stop believing.

I am grateful today for the chance to sit in the coffee shop, inspired by al the people around me working hard...envisioning a future where I can make a difference for small businesses, helping people getting ahead.  I believe I have found my strength...(being a little nerdy here by implementing what I have been learning in my classes of Organizational Theory).  I am what is called a "transformational leader."  My leadership style is to inspire others to believe in a common vision. I am a promoter, a fighter for a purpose, one who finds something beautiful and does everything in her power to make sure that it survives.  I already have seen so many influential and inspirational leaders during my three years in AmeriCorps, and so many organizations with beautiful purposes to aid those in need. I hope to find a job in the future that enables me to keep on pursuing what fuels my passion.

To quote a passage from a very good book on leadership:
"Leading Across Boundaries: Creating Collaborative Agencies in a Networked World" by Russell M. Linden

"Like chaos theory, which reveals the order beneath seemingly random events, there is an underlying structure to successful collaboration, a framework that helps people work across boundaries.  There is nothing mysterious about this framework; one doesn't need advanced training or magical leadership skills to learn it...the main requirement is a fierce desire to work in partnership with others on common concerns and common aspirations." (xix and xx of the Introduction)

To all of you who work hard in your everyday lives...remember the power you can have to influence those around you.  You may make more of a difference than you realize.

You inspire me.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

3 days of awesome studying!  That's what I am grateful for today. far this week I have been able to stick to my plan of exercising three times, and yoga twice.  I ran for a good 40 minutes tuesday, did yoga today, and tomorrow plan to run for at least another 40 minutes.  If I can stick to yoga on friday and run one more time saturday, then I can meet my goal.  If I believe it, I can achieve it.  :)

So, there's to believing...grateful for a positive attitude to carry me through finals.

....hope it sticks.

p.s.  This is my new encouragement these days....I feel like it's my theme song:

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oh man, looks like I have a week to catch up on!   I've been so busy with Thanksgiving....that I haven't given thanks online :)

Six things....

1}  I am grateful for my family, who for the first time are all celebrating in different places this year.
2}  I am grateful for old friends, who I hope to be able to visit soon, and
3}  new friends, who I have had the blessing to meet.
4}  I am also grateful for those friends who I haven't been able to talk to in a while, but I pray are healthy and fulfilled in their lives.
5}  I am grateful for a special person in my life, with whom I have been able to celebrate a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.
6}  Finally, I am thankful for this time to bake delicious oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies, clean the entire house from top to bottom, listen to lyrical jazz, play cribbage, spend time with friends, and of course...prepare for finals coming up soon.  ("maniacal laugh....")

Hope you all had a tremendous Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 8

I am grateful...for the muppets :)  (who said all posts had to be serious?)  hahaa

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I was away for the weekend, so for posts 6 and 7...I am grateful for forgiveness, as I need it so often during the day; and I am grateful for the relationships that God has placed in my life.  Oh yes, and the beautiful opportunity to celebrate one important relationship this past weekend.  :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Today, I am grateful for exercise, because it reminds me to be grateful for my health.  And to celebrate that, I am setting a goal for myself:  run three times a week, yoga twice/week.  I was running consistently for a while, but then the semester got really busy with assignments, and I slacked off.  SO, I am resolving to start back up again.  So far I have exercised twice (walked once, ran once) and did yoga once this week.   I'll keep you posted on how it goes.  :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

11:59pm almost too late!  i am grateful for life, even when it is full from sunrise to midnight with papers and deadlines.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 3...yay for me!

I am grateful for grace, and forgiveness, and the beauty of wonderful conversations.  Especially when they are with those I love.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 2--so far, so good!

I am grateful for nine solid hours of sleep, which helped me to focus on my studies today.
And for the inexplicable delicious odor of freshly baked blueberry muffins that wafted into my bedroom when I woke up, that someone must have cooked next door.  :)

I also have to add this note, from a newsletter that I subscribe to, that just seemed so fitting to this "gratefulness" game challenge:

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Day in the Life--Gratitude in the little things

So I thought that I should start this blog to keep track of all the things I am grateful for.  It's one way to make sure that I still thank God for all the blessings I have---even the tough times, which turn out to be blessings in disguise.  I used to play this game when I was younger, called the "gratitude game," that my sister and I came up with to help us deal with all of the trials and tribulations that come in life---those days that really are not going your way.  So, we would play this game, and had to come up with at least 5 things for which we were grateful (or if we had more time, it was who could come up with the most things to be grateful for).  We would take turns and each identify something.    I didn't realize how important that game has become, as I get older.  When life is not going the way I imagine, this keeps me centered, and reminds me to change my perspective.  I hope by sharing I inspire others too.

I am challenging myself to identify at least one thing a day that I can be grateful for.

So, here's the start.

Day 1:
I am grateful for my family, who have always been there for me every day, and are my home, no matter how far I may travel.